Project Permitting
Permit Needs Planning
Analyze project regulatory triggers and prepare a Project Permit lists for all levels of government.
Project Manage BC Environmental Assessment Project Description and supporting plan development
Identify site specific studies or other assessments required and lead service procurement.
Save time and money through coordinated, staged and appropriate field work associated with the Permit needs.
Track receipt of permits and advise on actions required to support permit conditions.
Regulatory Relationship Building
Liaise with Provincial, Regional and Local Governments to refine permit input requirements and establish timelines and processes for reviews.
Prepare and File Permit Applications and Regulatory Correspondence: Provincial Government
Prepare and file Provincial Permit Applications, with inputs from Qualified Environmental Professionals and other Technical Service providers:
BC Oil and Gas Commission
Agricultural Land Commission; Notifications, Non-Farm Use and Reconsideration Documentation
Ministry Forest, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations
Ministry of Transportation and Highways
Ministry of Environment
Municipal Permit Applications
Prepare and File: Building Permits, Rezoning, Subdivision, Development Variance Permits and support Municipal planning engagement to resolve non-conformance matters.